Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Ona — American Fiction

It’s impossible to resist the deep, power-pop grooves on Ona’s debut album. But you get the sense that the band’s members know a thing or two about swaying hips. American Fiction is replete with songs of tragic women who keep…

Sam Gleaves — Ain’t We Brothers?

You don’t need to know anything about Sam Gleaves’ backstory to hear the truth and power in “Working Shoes,” the lead-off track on Gleaves’ masterful Ain’t We Brothers? To judge from the powerful lineup on the album, I’m not the…

MakeWar — MakeWar

How many times can you record an album without seeming self-indulgent? MakeWar would like to let you know that the answer is three. You may remember the band as Sad and French, but drummer Greg Taylor crashed the party and…