Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Nervous Breakthroughs Split EP

Lest you decry the infiltration of synthesizers in all walks of music, it appears that punk is not dead in the Twin Cities. Nervous Breakthroughs is four songs by four different bands, and each offers a fresh take on a…

The Quaildogs AND Harvester

The Quaildogs bring something special to the table, that’s for sure. They seamlessly blend the gently earnest tone and harmonies of today’s hipster folk with the casual, back-handed irony of ’90s alt-rock. The end result is deliciously sharp. The Getting…

The Rizzos — Worse Things

I have spent most of my 20s railing against hipsters but I think the time has come to make a painful admission: by virtue of being an urban 20-something who wears Warby Parker glasses I, too, am one of them.…