Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Cowboy Mouth — Go!

There’s some bands you can’t help but follow. Call it sentimental value. I’ve been following Cowboy Mouth since I cared about music. After listening to their latest (fourteenth?) studio album, I felt a little weird. I couldn’t put my finger…

Anna Tivel — Before Machines

The first riff of “Five Dollar Bill,” the opening track of Anna Tivel’s sophomore album, made my brain turn somersaults. Don’t worry — it was in a happy way. Tivel manages to capture the performance styles of my favorites: Kendl…

Interview — Bishops

I introduced you to the raw power of Bishops a few months ago. Tucker Riggleman took a break from unpacking after a big move to answer some of my questions about his craft: Photo Credit: Jordan Hudkins What’s your songwriting…

Redleg Husky — Carolina

Carolina is an album of exceptional beauty. I don’t mean to say that this is a carefully crafted Old Master hung up somewhere in the Met. It’s more like a painting from the Hudson River School: thoughtfully composed, but earthy…

Fairest Maiden — Lemuelle Roque

And now for something completely different, some pop hip-hop from Lemuelle Roque, who hails from the Philippines. Can’t tell you why I like it — I just do. Maybe listening to hours and hours of dubstep, reggaeton, and what passes…