Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

American Opera

I’m such a fuck-up. American Opera (a.k.a. John Bee) and Sad and French opened for Two Cow Garage back in February. I didn’t take the time to research American Opera and skipped the set. I spoke with Bee after the…

Kent Goolsby — Hitched

The other day I though, “Huh. What ever happened to Kent Goolsby?” The former frontman of The Only Sons released a remarkable debut album last year, and I hadn’t heard much since. Turns out he got himself hitched, the main…

Melaena Cadiz on BTR Live

Brooklyn-based folk singer Melaena Cadiz recently released her new album, Far Below Heaven. I already reviewed the album, but here’s an interive with Cadiz in case you still need convincing. Melaena Cadiz — Official, Facebook, Bandcamp