Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Zachary Lucky — The Ballad of Losing You

Zachary Lucky’s new album is a stunner. The Sasketchawan native brings the lonely, wide open spaces to his music. He’s as lonely cowboy as you can get. The Ballad of Losing You is, in essence, a breakup album. It’s stark…

Deb Oh and the Cavaliers — Hieroglyphs

Here’s a recommendation from one of my pals in Germany. In spite of all the craziness going on in the world, you have to admit that the fact that someone in Germany can discover a band in NYC, and then…

Help out Brent Puls!

Help saxophonist Brent Puls pay for some unexpected medical bills, and get yourself some deep cuts from some of your favorite artists. I just got the press release in my Inbox today and haven’t had a chance to listen to…

BC and Sam — Night Crossing

Sometimes names do matter. The only reason I listened to BC and Sam when they showed up in my inbox was because I know another pair of humans named BC and Sam, but it seemed unlikely that they would contact…