Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

frog — frog

frog’s debut EP, er, LP, er, release (“it is in between an ep and an lp and as such we’ve decided to call it a release which is neither and both”) is a whole heck of a lot of fun.…

The Greencards — Sweetheart of the Sun

Memorandum to all musicians: your followup albums do not need to be somber! It doesn’t necessarily make you more mature or artistic, though I guess getting older does make people sadder? Returning to a theme, The Greencards’ newest album, Sweetheart…

Magnolia Mountain — Beloved

December will be the 2nd anniversary of Adobe & Teardrops’ existence. I’ve finally gotten into a “rhythm,” have developed something like a voice, and truly enjoy the task of sitting down and writing now. I always thought these were things…