Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Genticorum — Enrigistre Live

I try to avoid reading press releases before listening to an album, but this time I was too curious not to. What was the deal with this band’s name? What does “enrigistré” mean? Turns out, Genticorum (JAWN-ti-corum) plays Quebecois folk…

Whitney Lockert — Songs Of An Afternoon

I’ll keep this short and sweet, given yesterday’s post. (This is what happens when I go for a long walk before writing.) I saw Whitney perform with Robb and the Handsome Few, and all of the nice things I said…

Abby Brown — Go All In

 Please note that Asher Brown has transitioned since the writing of this post. This page, using his former name and transitions, has been left up with Asher’s permission. You can find Asher’s more current work here. Before I tell you…

Gas Money — Untethered

Guys. Why don’t I just move to Philadelphia? There’s brewpubs out the wazoo and then there are bands like Gas Money. Oh yeah. They have a completely dysfunctional public education system. No way I’d be able to find work there.…

Maynard and the Musties — West

Maynard and the Musties sound like kicking road dust off your boots and spitting out the grit of your teeth. Tough stuff, but satisfying because you know you’ve reached your destination and you’re about to pour yourself a tall tumbler…