Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

NEW VIDEO: Safe Haven

Happy July 4th! To celebrate, here’s a song to get your booze on. I’ve already told you about Safe Haven‘s badassitude. Here’s a video of them being badasses (and maybe a little camera shy.) Hear them be badasses here: Official,…

Elway — Leavetaking

You’ve got to an admire a band that elevates the genre. For me, one of those band’s is Fort Collins’s Elway. I’m not punk scholar, but it would be fairly easy to see these guys as pop punk: strong melodies,…

Dead Professional — Don’t Be Cruel

I’ll talk about Dead Professional’s music in a moment, but first I’d like to thank him for spurring me to action. His music has been sitting in my “to write” queue for months now, but I really should have told…