Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Red Tail Ring — The Heart’s Swift Foot

Verily, the music gods have smiled upon us. There are two extremely exciting releases this week, and I am super excited to tell you about Red Tail Ring. Hailing from the Michigan wilds, Michael Beauchamp and Laurel Premo gift us…

The Grisly Hand — Country Singles

A quick disclaimer — I’ve only listened to Grisly Hand’s most recent album twice. My Internetz are on the fritz right now. But twice is enough, really. I’ve already told you that Grisly Hand is amazing. Country Singles shows the…

Scott Dennis — Rearranging Furniture

My jaw dropped a little when I read that Scott Dennis was from Brooklyn. “Ada,” Rearranging Furniture‘s opening track, sounds 500% Nashville. It’s not that Dennis sounds over-produced. There’s a rich quality to “Ada” (and the other songs here) that…

Jenny Dragon — A Fair Souvenir

Apologies for the lack of updates — I moved recently. But don’t think, dear readers, that I forgot about you! Here’s a band I’ve been meeting to write about for a while now. Hailing from Chicago, Jenny Dragon brings a…