Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

New Music Video!

We wrote about her stunning voice a few days ago. Check out Emma Hill’s brand new music video! Emma Hill — Official, Facebook, Bandcamp, iTunes, CDBaby

Want to see Lambchop?

The band. Not the puppet. They’ll be playing Warsaw (in Brooklyn, not Poland) on June 16th. $25. Buy tickets here. It will be part of the Northside (not Southside) Festival. Clear? Good.

Larabee — Expose a Little Wire

There’s something a-brewin’ in Philly, and I rather like it. The Sparklers and The Miners (my two new favorite bands since starting this blog, incidentally) are shining examples of alt-country revival. Add Larabee to the list. The only critique I…

The Blind Owl Band Wants Your Money

You may remember my post from some time ago about a barefoot, rabble-rousing bluegrass group called the Blind Owl Band. Well, thank goodness, they’re making a second album. But they need your help.   See Kickstarter and give them some…