Category Review

Ranky Tanky — Ranky Tanky

This album is really something. It would be enough to feature an ensemble of world-class musicians at the top of their game — which Ranky Tanky exhibits in spades. But this music runs deep through the band’s souls, making Ranky…

Hollow River — Spider Web Eyes

Hollow River’s Spider Web Eyes has a whole lot of heart. It’s a charming collection of folk songs that lean heavily on pop punk without straying into gimmicks. Spider Web Eyes paints a portrait of an earnest and self-critical artist…

Morning Music

1. Henry Jamison — “Sunlit Juice” is a good song to close out the weekend (or, depending on when you’re reading, begin it.) A quietly reflective moment, “Sunlit Juice” is a gentle reminder to pause and reminisce once in a…

Steev Richter — Beloved

“Psychedelic country” is a term that PR people like to throw around these days. From what I can tell, it’s simply a catch-all for anything that has twang but is experimental, and calling it prog-country would be extremely alienating. Steev…

Morning Music!

1. The Town Council — “Lie Awake” doesn’t sound anything like Two Cow Garage, but something about the voice and the gruff honesty of the song calls my favorite guitar slingers to mind. 2. Monica Riskey — “Gluten Free” is…