Samantha Fish — Belle of the West

Belle of the West is just an explosion of talent. While it’s primarily a blues album, there’s such a profusion of joy in the moment that I’m left walking away with that more so than anything conveyed by the songs…

Sonia Tetlow — Now

Sonia Tetlow’s seen her share of the road. Whether it was pounding the pavement with her Patti Smith-esque punk band STB in the late 90s and early aughts, supporting Cowboy Mouth on bass in the shortly after, leading Herman Put…

Low River — New Mothers

Paul Bardsley, otherwise known as Low River, has the kind of musical DNA that’ll win any reader of this blog over. Bardsley’s voice recalls a young Mike Ness while his heavy strum and strident lyrics evoke Frank Turner. But Bardsley…

Les Filles de Illighidad — Eghass Malan

Niger has been on Americans’ radar lately, thanks to recent events. But if you sort of paid attention in your world history classes, you already know a lot about the country. Today’s Niger straddles the Sahara desert, formerly the heart…

Angelica Rockne — Queen of San Antonio

If you missed your chance to do the time warp again over Halloween weekend (the best time to see Rocky Horror Picture Show in a theater), you’ve got a shot with Angelica Rockne. To be clear — it’s a different…

Lahire — Faded West

When Andrija Tokic takes on a project, I take that as a surefire stamp of quality. Tokic is the master behind the Bomb Shelter in East Nashville and gave the world the Alabama Shakes, Langhorne Slim, Hurray for the Riff…