Rocky Bottom — Modern Machine

Rocky Bottom’s latest EP, Modern Machine, takes a much harder stance than American Man. While the previous album was good-natured, Modern Machine takes a bluesier approach to tackle the ennui of modern life and the quest for self-satisfaction. “Someday” picks…

Morning Music!

1. Nichole Wagner — “Lies (A Murder Ballad)” takes a truly exhausted trope and flips it on its head. Wagner is a perceptive songwriter, and this time she turns her powers towards the misogyny of folk music. 2. The Still…

Madison Lewis — Back to the Blue

Madison Lewis’s artist’s bio says pretty prominently that she’s only 14 years ago. After listening to a few seconds of the album, I wrote back to her PR person and said something like, “Shut up. You’re lying.” Lewis’ alto has…

Morning Music!

1. EHM Sky Patrol — “Pulling Around Moons” is a gentle Southern waltz that is equal parts dreamy and romantic. 2. Matt Tarka — “Time Travels” is a jangly Southern rock number that calls to mind both REM and Against…

Swampland Jewels

If you’re one of those people who absolutely can’t stand the sound of accordions you should come back on Monday. For everyone else, Swampland Jewels is the jam you’ve been waiting (or re-waiting) for. YepRoc has just reissued this compilation…

Morning Music!

Today’s playlist is fairly eclectic and decidedly untwang-y. But sometimes you have to shake it up, yannow? 1. Sure Sure — “Koreatown” has a catchy beat reminiscent of early aughts indie rock but an intensity that keeps the song up-to-date.…

Emily Mure — Worth

There is a lot of mayhem happening right now. I feel like that’s how I’ve been starting off most of my entries recently but, unfortunately, it’s still true. And music is what we need to deal with the mayhem. In…

Ranky Tanky — Ranky Tanky

This album is really something. It would be enough to feature an ensemble of world-class musicians at the top of their game — which Ranky Tanky exhibits in spades. But this music runs deep through the band’s souls, making Ranky…