Dead Professional — Hard Hard Hard

Dead Professional has been dribbling singles here and there on the Internet for about as long as this blog has been around. I’ve found it a little unfair, though I understand. Perfection takes time, after all. I once heard someone…

Butchers Blind and Becky Shaw!

Howdy! I have two musical tidbits for you: First, I said some really nice things about Butchers Blind’s album Destination Blues about a year ago. The words I used were “They make me happy to be a music blogger.” If…

Dead Volts — We Are Already Dead

I am calling Charles Hale from Ninebullets out right here and right now. I’m mad that he didn’t tell me about the Dead Volts earlier. If you wish Two Cow Garage had a little more twang and a little less…

Langhorne Slim — The Way We Move

A curious think happened on Monday night. A friend of mine went out for karaoke (this is what teachers do when they have Tuesdays off) and — among other late ’90s early Aughts nu-metal/screamo/rock bands — re-discovered Our Lady Peace.…

Lela Sophia

I’m of the belief that Manhattan’s given short shrift in the city. Hear me out — everyone seems to forget that ordinary people actually live here. So here’s Lela Sophia, who’s definitely not ordinary. Her voice alone is bewitching —…

John Kilzer — Hide Away

It’s not a secret that musicians lead difficult lives with soaring ups and, as the songs featured on this blog indicate, mostly downs. Kilzer’s life story will sound familiar — phenomenal success in the ’90s followed by years of picking…

Son Little — Things I Forgot

First and foremost (before I forgot), there’s an amazing concert happening this Saturday in Lexington, KY. Cory Hanks, bassist for Those Crosstown Rivals, and Michelle Evans, writer for this blog’s inspiration, are having a post-wedding party with their favorite…