Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Anna Tivel — Small Believer

This is post 1100-something and it is still a truth universally acknowledged (by me) that Tivel’s previous album, Heroes Waking Up, is one of the best albums I have listened to in the past five years. That album tells larger-than-life…

Morning Music!

1. Carver Commodore — “Ring Ain’t Free” is a meditation on maturity that brings the funk without the masturbatory solos. 2. Captains of April — “Groovy Tuesday” leads from an expansive intro into a crisp pop-punk banger. 3. Dar Stellabotta…

Rocky Bottom — Modern Machine

Rocky Bottom’s latest EP, Modern Machine, takes a much harder stance than American Man. While the previous album was good-natured, Modern Machine takes a bluesier approach to tackle the ennui of modern life and the quest for self-satisfaction. “Someday” picks…

Morning Music!

1. Nichole Wagner — “Lies (A Murder Ballad)” takes a truly exhausted trope and flips it on its head. Wagner is a perceptive songwriter, and this time she turns her powers towards the misogyny of folk music. 2. The Still…