Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Morning Music!

So few of the songs I wanted to share today were available on Spotify, I decided to embed all ten of ’em as Soundcloud files. 1. Henry Black — “Weeping Willow” is a strident tune that turns one of life’s…

Lee N. Sage — Lee N. Sage

The Michigan Woods, where Lee N. Sage (nee Bobby LeSage) wrote his EP makes its presence felt in these four songs. Sage infuses all four songs with a lush guitar stream that fills his sonic spaces. Like sunlight through a…

Morning Music

1. Henry Jamison — “Sunlit Juice” is a good song to close out the weekend (or, depending on when you’re reading, begin it.) A quietly reflective moment, “Sunlit Juice” is a gentle reminder to pause and reminisce once in a…

Steev Richter — Beloved

“Psychedelic country” is a term that PR people like to throw around these days. From what I can tell, it’s simply a catch-all for anything that has twang but is experimental, and calling it prog-country would be extremely alienating. Steev…