Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Ranky Tanky — Ranky Tanky

This album is really something. It would be enough to feature an ensemble of world-class musicians at the top of their game — which Ranky Tanky exhibits in spades. But this music runs deep through the band’s souls, making Ranky…

Hollow River — Spider Web Eyes

Hollow River’s Spider Web Eyes has a whole lot of heart. It’s a charming collection of folk songs that lean heavily on pop punk without straying into gimmicks. Spider Web Eyes paints a portrait of an earnest and self-critical artist…

Mike Meehan and the Lucky Ones — Better Angels

There is a lot of innovation and stuff in folk music these days but there is always, always, always a need for some straight-from-the-heart and straight-to-the-gut songwriting. Mike Meehan and the Lucky Ones know the way to gain an audience…

Rust Dust — Diviners and Shivs

Rust Dust is a one-man folk mystery. His twangy blues guitars give his songs a veneer of vintage with some modern mystery. Armed with his his century-old National Resonator guitars, Rust Dust feels a bit timeless. His gentle picking of…