Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Morgan Manifacier — Hues and Calm

I brought Morgan Manifacier to your attention a few days ago. He recently released an album full of more singer-songwriter goodness. Hues and Calm is a completely different experience than Manifacier by himself, though. Manifacier showed off his guitar chops…

The River Has Many Voices — Division

Division is a thoughtful album by Austin-based musician The River Has Many Voices. It’s best enjoyed several times (possibly consecutively) in a meditative state. Dylan is an ever-present influence on singer-songwriter Matthew Payne, but Payne avoids sounding like someone to…

The End Men — Odds and Ends

The End Men are back (thankfully) with a few little items. Odds and Ends is a little grab bag of the garage blues duo’s songs, some of which have been rescued from the cutting room floor and some of which…