Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Turchi — Can’t Bury Your Past

If you’re in the market for something rough-and-tumble, here’s Turchi’s new album Can’t Bury Your Past. I finished listening to this album and found dirty underneath my nails. Guitarist Drew Turchi describes his band’s music as “kudzu boogie” and I…

Natalie Salzman — Ebb & Flow

Natalie Salzman stands out in a crowded field of Americana musicians, partially because she plays classical harp. In the hands of a less able musician, the use of the harp in conventional-sounding Americana songs would be gimmicky. But Salzman knows…

The Red Wine Effect — Afternoon Cab

My body metabolizes things strangely. I think it’s because of the damage caused by years of unknowingly eating gluten. Suffice to say, I can pound ten tequilas and ciders (and switch between the two!) on a school night and be…

Music Video — Morgan Manifacier

Sometimes you have to unplug. Here’s Morgan Manifacier’s video for “My Own.” You’ll be hearing more about him in the upcoming weeks. “My Own” – Morgan Manifacier from Morgan Manifacier on Vimeo. Morgan Manifacier — Official, Facebook, Bandcamp

Big Shoals — Still Go On

I spent the last five days at Disneyworld. It was amazing, but by the fourth day I thought I was going to kick a puppy between the incessant repetition of the same seven Disney songs and the muzak they pipe…