Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

The Blessed Broke — Ladders Out of Purgatory

The Blessed Broke was one of the very first artists I reviewed on this blog and I’m incredibly excited to tell you how great their sophomore release is. The first thing I learned from this album is that songwriter Brian…

Brandon Luedtke — A Self-Titled EP

The first thing that stood out to me about this album is Brandon Luedtke’s voice. It’s distinctive but it somehow has a timeless quality; like Bob Dylan took a right turn on the way to Albuquerque instead of a left.…

Ryan Smith — Better Days (Video)

If you’re reading this, it’s cuz I’m in muthafucking Disneyworld! But Ryan Smith, whom I said nice things about a few weeks ago, will make you forget about your intense jealousy with this music video: Ryan Smith – “Better Days”…

NC Music Love Army and Robert Sarazin Blake

Today’s post is going to be a little unusual and a little long as I’ll be reviewing two albums, so I’ll be breaking it up into different sections. It’s also the last post before I travel for spring break, so…