Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Some Dark Holler — Hollow Chest

Some Dark Holler first grabbed my attention when I saw their video on Couch by Couchwest. If you watch it, you’ll be able to see why. Hollow Chest is the band’s first full-length album, and it is certainly a harbinger…

Hellbound Glory — Old Highs and New Lows

I’ve had my ear out for Hellbound Glory ever since Von posted their stuff on Americana Rock Mix. These guys play with wonderful expertise and competence, but that’s not what grabbed me. You see, there are few things you need…

Furious Frank

It’s almost as if someone in Furious Frank saw this blog’s description — as a repository for anything with guitars — and said, “OK. We can do that.”  “Eclectic” is really the operative word here. The band ricochets between folk…