Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Sonia Tetlow — inRetro

The tagline for this blog is “music like your life depends on it.” As I pointed out in my first post, the only music worth paying attention to is made by people who live to create it — regardless of genre.…

Musical Tarot Cards

Hey, gangbusters, (That’s you.) I’m still trying to figure out how to set a few things up for my next entry, but I still want to stay on schedule. So I’m going to go ahead and steal from today’s Ninebullets post and…

The Gum Creek Killers — Coat of Arms EP

Hey! Did you pick up your Monday Mixtape yet? Also, free music below! Just in case John Moreland and Shane Sweeney weren’t accessible enough for you, here are the Gum Creek Killers. The band is from Birmingham, AL and is fronted by…

The Kominas — Kominas

Happy new year, everyone! Let’s ring it in with some free music! Like my Facebook page so you can stay posted on this blog and get random tidbits. I’ll also be creating a new “mixtape” every Monday (get it? Mixtape Monday?) to…

Christmas Eve Present

I am excited about everything pertaining to The Hunger Games movie. And now The Civil Wars (and I guess Taylor Swift) have song on its soundtrack. Consider this your “plus one” present before Christmas. That’s my family’s tradition. (Give me a…