Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

FREE MUSIC: Soviet Bear and Foul Weathered Friend

An early entry and more free music! This 5-track split, Fool’s Gold is brought to you by Tim Browne (Soviet Bear) of the Fort Collins, CO-based punk band Elway, and Steve-O (Foul Weathered Friends) of The Holy Mess, from my adopted…

FREE MUSIC: Empty Orchestra

In case you haven’t noticed, SOPA and PIPA are dangerously close to becoming a reality. Here’s Bryan Childs of Ninebullets’ explanation as to why stopping SOPA is important. If you haven’t had a chance to sign a petition or five…

State Champion — Deep Shit

First things first. Housekeeping notes: I realized that my Sonia Tetlow post marked the one-month anniversary of this blog! Things have been going great so far and I’d like to thank you all for reading. However, I’m really serious about turning this…

Jo Wymer — Living With Scars

I first heard Jo Wymer’s music around the same time I first listened to The Alabama Shakes, but it’s not for nothing that the two are so close in my mind. Jo Wymer’s voice is every inch as clear, soulful,…