Jennifer Silva Connects Us All on Slink “Landline”
With the first beats of Jennifer Silva’s “Landline,” you know you’re in for something special. Maybe it’s her made-for-a-40s-lounge voice, the alluring opening line “You make me wanna get a landline,” or the supreme confidence that is suffused through the…
Gregory Dwane on “Growing Up” and Run DMC
Gregory Dwane is a lifer. From his humble “two turntables and a microphone” beginnings in rural North Carolina to eventually touring around the world as a tech and his recent work as producer for Amy Ray of the Indigo Girls,…
PREMIERE: Katie Callahan Wrestles With Evangelical Christianity on “Witches”
“I never make a good first impression,” Katie Callahan jokes. “You have to meet me twice.” But if you look and listen closely, you’ll see the groundwork she lays for a quiet but simmering revolution, all the complexity of an…
The Ancient Forces at Play in Katayoun Goudarzi’s This Pale
In these dark days of stark societal uncertainty and pronounced cultural intolerance, could the illuminating words of the world’s greatest poet and champion of tolerance and love inspire dialogue and spark a constructive collective conversation where pundits and politicians cannot?…
Grand Alpaca is Constantly “Moving On”
Grand Alpaca is a Norwegian singer/songwriter delivering guitar driven music in his own elegant way. Surrounded by hazy atmospheres, Grand Alpaca’s honest to bone lyrics and heartfelt vocals gushes along like a Sirocco breeze – offering plenty of comfort for…