
Christmas Eve Present

ByRachel CholstDec 24, 2011

I am excited about everything pertaining to The Hunger Games movie. And now The Civil Wars (and I guess Taylor Swift) have song on its soundtrack. Consider this your “plus one” present before Christmas. That’s my family’s tradition. (Give me a…


My Favorite Albums of 2011

ByRachel CholstDec 23, 2011

This is my last post of 2011 — I’ll be visiting the little lady through New Year’s. Thanks so much for reading! I’ve got some really exciting stuff for you in the next few weeks! Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, and…


Gary Clark, Jr.

ByRachel CholstDec 21, 2011

Here’s another Christmas/Hanukkah present: I meant the EP, but you can interpret that any way you like. I have a feeling Gary Clark, Jr. is going to be huge by this time next year — the Black Keys certainly found a…


John Moreland and the Dustbowl Souls — Everything the Hard Way

ByRachel CholstDec 18, 2011

Welcome, new readers! It’s been a little over a week since I started this blog and I’ve already had 100 hits (not including spam bots.) Thanks for your time! Since posting updates to my Facebook and G+ statuses is not…


The Basics: Cowboy Mouth

ByRachel CholstDec 14, 2011

You might as well listen to this while you read: Light It On Fire by Cowboy Mouth on Grooveshark There are times I wish I went to college in the ’90s. For one thing, finding a job would have been…