Adobe & Teardrops: Episode 11
Rachel and Von record two episodes in a row as a double-header (you’ll hear them a week apart, though.) Our heroes once again battle with names that are difficult to pronounce! We also get deep into discussing adult crushes and…
Adobe & Teardrops: Episode 10
It’s our tenth episode but we’re still learning things about each other. For example, Rachel is on Von’s Top 3! (Awwww.) Von is young heart. (Awww.) But we also stroll down a more introspective road both with the music and…
Adobe & Teardrops: Episode 9
Alcohol and social lubrication, a discourse on daddies,a shoutout to the venue Blueberry Hill in St Louis, a megaphone bearer at a blues concert, and Passover shoutouts! All that and MORE excellent Americana and rock from Von and Rachel! Mavis…
Adobe & Teardrops: Episode 8
It’s a blues rock POWER HOUR with Von and Rachel. They discuss their various creative pursuits, including Von’s super cool bridge and Rachel’s super cool comic. (You can buy it in person THIS Sunday, 3/25, at the Feminist Zine Fest…
Adobe and Teardrops: Episode 7
This week’s episode has a bit of an international flair, from Von and Rachel trying to figure out how to pronounce everyone’s names to an immersive discussion of troll rock. (Don’t worry — we didn’t play any Norwegian folk metal…this…